A Blessing of 2 Bishops at Miritini Parish Today the 5th Sunday of Easter will remain a memorable day to the faithful of Christ the King Miritini Parish, after Archbishop Martin Kivuva and Bishop Willybard Lagho of the Catholic Diocese of Malindi who have today graced the Parish Fundraiser after leading the faithful in the celebration of Holy Mass that started at 10 am and the fundraising is ongoing at the time of reporting. 

In his homily, Bishop Lagho highlighted the signs to watch out for when encountering cults, among them leaders who dwell on visions, being unquestioned in their instructions and push for isolation. He further encouraged the faithful to strive more to know the scriptures and for parishes to embrace ongoing formation in catechesis. 

On his part, the Archbishop congratulated the parishioners for their commitment towards the current projects with the current one being the construction of a community center. 

Daniel Magumba, reporting for Lwanga Communications

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